
The method we use requires full concentration and commitment not only from our clients, but also from our teachers. That is why into our team we choose people who meet high requirements for this responsible work. Among all the criteria in the first place there are creativity and the ability to be not only a good teacher, but also a pleasant companion. It is important for us that the teachers working for us like their work as well.

During the study, every student is going through his or her own and unrepeatable journey. Our teacher is the one who leads the student on this journey, showing the direction. And this requires a huge dose of creativity, communicativeness, and empathy.

All the Telmi lecturers completed the training during which they had learnt to use their high-quality language skills and creativity in accordance with our method.


The more I teach the more I am convinced that teaching is work I can never have enough of. I like to seek various ways to teach individual clients languages. And since every single one of them is unique, I need to start seeking anew every time. These ways are often diametrically different. While for someone the learning of a foreign language can be roses all the way, to another it can resemble a demanding ascent up a steep scree slope, sliding one step back after every two steps forward. However, be it any type of journey, I am always trying to be a good guide and support to the client to enable the easiest way to the desired goal.


- Branislav Chovan