
We offer languages which are now the most popular in common and proffesional use:

We work mostly with the languages listed in our offer. However, we will try to organise teaching also when clients show their interest in a language which is not listed.

This way you can control what we teach. We don't mind being told, on a contrary, we welcome the challenge.

It may seem like a marginal activity, but the reality is different. Our experience with Slovak for foreigners in Telmi Face to Face is so intensive, that sometimes we wonder whether it is English or our native tongue, what dominates the world.

Also there is no need to wait for a course to start its lifetime, because there are not any. The base point in our teaching is an agreement with You, our client. The way we operate is finding a teacher for You as soon as possible and the teaching experience begins.

A little wait is worth the effective communication which begins Face To Face thereafter.